To buy your ad now, simply click here.
Traffic to the site averages 30,000 unique visits per month--all of them from people interested in urban bicycling, bike touring, and sustainable cities. They will see your ad, since, as we note below, we don't clutter the site with banners but allow just one per page.
We offer only tile ads in the upper right corner of each page. These ads rotate automatically, so that each page load calls up a new ad. Tiles are 160 pixels wide by 200 pixels high and always loads into this premium location.
We have three display/payment options available:
- $150.00 for one year--your ad will run for one year, regardless of how many times it shows or how many viewers click on it.
- $150.00 for 10,000 impressions--your ad will run until it has shown 10,000 times, regardless of calendar.
- $150.00 for 1,000 clickthroughs--your ad will run until viewers have clicked on it and gone to your website 1,000 times. (This is generally the best option.)
We also offer banner design as a service.
Please contact us for more information, or just go ahead and Buy Your Ad.