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11/09/2010: "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...."
Here's a photo of our block early Sunday morning, while I was waiting for my friend James Black (designer of the original hat from which our James Black Hat derived. It being the first sunday of the month, we were riding to Pasadena to join the Velo-Retro Rose Bowl ride.As you can see, it was a morning of golden light and gentle clouds, an inspiring morning for a bicycle ride.

What really made it inspiring was that beach cruiser locked up in the lower right corner of the shot. That's just one of four bikes that now reside in front of various apartments on our block--along with a good number that live inside. Besides our own, there are at least three more regularly ridden velos that disappear into neighboring buildings several times a day.
No, it's not Amsterdam, but it's pretty damn good for LA.
The ever-full bike racks at the mostly-creatives office complex down Wilshire from our street is also heartening. These are all bikes that are being used for commuting, shopping, visiting--not beachpath rambles.
The pattern is repeated on other blocks around us, and it marks a change from the days only a few years ago when I rarely saw another cyclist, or even another bike, as I rode to and fro.
Anyway, James arrived, we rode on to Pasadena, and had a wonderful time with the Velo Retro folks--which I wrote up on Orange 20s blog, so go read it there.
Bikes, friends, and a sweet autumn day--made the weekend worthwhile!