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03/25/2010: "Round Round Get Around...."
We get around....
Okay, it's not really that elusive, but I always thins it's one block east of where it really is so have to look for it each time. It is, however, a very tiny storefront on a street crowded with very tiny storefronts, but I had to go round the block only once before spotting the faded name on the dingy awning--because inside is some good, cheap, excellent food!
Outside, however, there are no bike racks, no parking meters, and only one pole--which is occupied by the restaurant's own delivery bikes.
So Trevor came in with me, blending in very nicely with the wood paneling and paint.
After that, it was time to head to Highland Park and drop off some knickers at local retailer Flying Pigeon LA, where I had the experience of taking one of Josef's "Governators" (Flying Pigeons reconfigured as homages to the Pashley Guv'nor) round the block a few times. My first Pigeon ride, and not bad!
Now home, showered, and replete with an afternoon chai...and getting ready to head out again, on the Bottecchia this time, for chores at Mom's.
Thank you, bicycles, for making business a pleasure every day!