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05/18/2008: "Pasadena 2nd Annual Urban Bicycle Commuter Expo"
Pasadena held its second Urban Bicycle Commuter Expo in conjunction with Bike Week yesterday, and once again Bicycle Fixation was there, showing our wares and talking up bike commuting to the passersby. In spite of temperatures ranging over 100°F, there was a steady attendance all day long, with a lot of interest in our cycling clothes from both new and current bike commuters, and a lot of interest in the bikes, accessories, and other clothing offered in the rest of the booths.The expo took place in Pasadena's One Colorado, an "internal square" on the inside of a block of shops, very nice and well-planted, and with a most convenient beer garden on the north side. There was stage for music and announcements, valet bike parking on a closed-off street, and your editor walking around with a digital camera and trying to take pictures, which efforts turned out acceptable despite the intense glare of the day:

The Green Gopher, loaded down with our wares, signs, and flyers, and Vivian the Nickel-Plated Miyata, waiting for a train at Wilshire & Western.

The Los Angeles County Bike Coalition was there (along with the California Bike Coalition at another booth).

Totally Tubular Designs was there showing off their excellent bags and purses made from recycled bicycle tires and tubes. Gina bought one right away!

And there's Gina, hard at work in our Bicycle Fixation booth, with Vivian glittering out front to attract the passersby.

Bicycles and amiability go together.

Claude Willey and Scott Sing at the Helen's Cycles booth.

Xtracycles and trailers abounded.

A good crowd despite the heat.
Chuck Schmidt of Velo Retro showed up, as did Harv and Josef from the Bike Oven; framebuilder Greg Townsend had a booth; and everybody was happy despite the heat.
A good day for bicycling and for California, I would say.