Meanwhile, on Flying Pigeon LA's pages, I take another look at the difficult Glendale-Hyperion bridge in A Merge Too Far, and come up with something I think would work. If we could get LADOT to consider it.
Richard Risemberg on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 08:34:31 -0800 [link]
It's always that way. I've been shouted at that I was "not a car" and so didn't belong on the road—while I pedaled by a long row of cars on the way home from work while the shouter's real roadblock was, of course, other cars.
It's impossible to build enough road space to accommodate cars as transport. It just doesn't work.
Even if you razed the entire city—leaving no place to drive to—I suspect compulsive motorheads would just fill up the asphalt plain horizon to horizon—and complain just the same.
Richard Risemberg on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:31:20 -0800 [link]
Meanwhile, at Flying Pigeon LA we witness the Birth of a Network, with a single, short bike lane on Crescent Heights that we are promised has a very bright future.
Richard Risemberg on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 17:39:59 -0800 [link]
The brief video below explains it clearly in just a few minutes:
As the narrator emphasizes, the treatment explained here does not reduce intersection capacity for any mode of travel.
Thanks to Steven White of Bloomington for bringing this to our attention!
Richard Risemberg on Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:01:51 -0800 [link]
Richard Risemberg on Wed, 17 Jul 2013 09:07:00 -0800 [link]
This particular video was made in Assen, which has gone to great lengths to encourage clean and convivial mobility. Looks as though they've succeeded too!
Richard Risemberg on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:01:45 -0800 [link]
And at Orange 20, we explore bike parking progress in LA, focussing especially on the Really OK Corral—as in "bike corral."
Richard Risemberg on Wed, 10 Jul 2013 17:01:01 -0800 [link]
Though the downtube will carry a dent in it pretty much forever, the frame, according to Wes Oishi, is sound. We rode today with the old front wheel and a worn-out Marathon, and completed the Vélo Rétro Rose Bowl Vintage Ride—twenty-filve miles. some hills, plus some additional mileage on the way out and back—with no problems at all.
Wes will finish rebuilding the dyno hub front wheel in a week or so, and then Bambi will be back to spec. The bill will go to the owner of the truck.
As for the dent, I won't worry about it. I carry a few dents myself.
Richard Risemberg on Sun, 07 Jul 2013 19:34:39 -0800 [link]

Foldable, washable, breathable, and handsome, it fits perfectly under a helmet, or stays on no matter how brisk the breeze if you wear it on its own. And it tucks gracefully into pocket, purse, or pannier when you're at the bar or bistro, yet unfolds wrinkle-free as soon as you saddle up!
One size only, which fits Small, Medium, or Medium-large heads; sizing details on the product page:
The Bicycle Fixation Slim Cap
Richard Risemberg on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 08:34:13 -0800 [link]
While on Flying Pigeon LA's blog I praise BH's Westside neighbor, Culver City, which has been Following the Way of wayfinding, and doing a pretty good job of it after a long spell of no progress at all.
Richard Risemberg on Wed, 03 Jul 2013 13:20:44 -0800 [link]