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06/25/2016: "Book Review: "The Dust Will Answer""
This time, it's other folks' reviews of one of my books, The Dust Will Answer. It's my debut novel, an urban noir mystery that has nothing to do with bicycles, but a great deal to say about development in Los Angeles at the end of the Seventies, when automobile dependency was baked into the civic structure. Not a bad read, if I do say so myself. And edited by two professional editors I met through cycling.

Today, a new positive review of my debut novel, "The Dust Will Answer," went up on its Amazon page, titled: "Enjoy the Read, at any Speed!

You can read all seventeen reviews, good, great, or indifferent, here.

And, of course, you can order the book, in paperback or Kindle, right on its main Amazon page:

Now's the time to pick up a copy if you haven't already…the sequel's coming out soon!

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