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08/05/2015: "Offsite Blogging CCXXXI"
A discouraging week, this, with lots of social clutter and little good news on the urban cycling front. But I beg you to put up with my grumping, as I fancy that it is, at least now and then, gracefully phrased. And we do need to know the terrain we face as we strive to move forward in this laggardly City of Angels….So, on Orange 20's blog, I show how LA's current bike infrastructure shows that They Love Us This Much…now hold your fingertips about an inch apart….
And at Flying Pigeon LA I report on the Snow Job the City Council is preparing as it considers how to gut LA's massive Mobility Plan 2035.
Why is it that nearly every city worldwide, from Paris to Podunk, treats its travelers better than LA…the very city that mandates the most travel?