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01/13/2014: "Sunday Rounds"
Best sighting of the day: a sweet-looking young woman in a print dress pedaling a heavily-laden longtail up Fountain through East Hollywood. With a thousand-watt smile on her face.

In fact, I saw bikes everywhere as I made my rounds. I pedaled downtown first, to a video shoot for the GRID Logistics project I am part of; then went over the river to visit pal Josef at his shop, forgetting that he's now closed on Sundays; then along the river to Silver Lake. From there I headed home through the gray and shabby avenues of The (Sort Of) Movie Capital of the World, finally easing through leafy Hancock Park with its lawns and mansions.

And in every one of these disparate neighborhoods—some unimaginably wealthy, some heartbreakingly poor, and some of every shade in between—in every neighborhood I saw people riding bikes, often by the half-dozen.

In the very heart of the town that invented Car Kultur, well, that's not too bad!

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