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08/15/2011: "Santa Monica Sunday"
I rolled through LA's seaside sister (one of them, at least), Santa Monica, yesterday as I wandered the Westside with no particular goal in mind, it being Sunday. It's always a pleasure, as Santa Monica loves bikes--that is, both Santa Monica the city, and Santa Monica the population. I never fail to see lots of folks riding down Main Street to the farmers' market, the restaurants, and the shops whenever I'm down there--even on rainy days.Yesterday was overcast and cool, though dry, and loads of regular folks were out on their velos, along with a smattering of roadies. I took a few pictures, so here they are:

Santa Monica's new bike racks have been popping up all over town

Regular clothes are in style no matter what you ride

So are hats, apparently

As is a certain air of insouciance....

Baskets, bags, and backpacks abounded, and were often well-filled

And of course the Sunday bike valet...how much space would it take to park this many cars?
Santa Monica and Long Beach, farther down the coast, are now competing with each other for the crown of SoCal's best biking city, with Los Angeles far behind. Though we are getting our Seventh Street road diet and bike lanes ahead of schedule, it seems! Read about that on Streetsblog and the LADOT Bike blog..