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09/12/2010: "Sunday Singularity"
This being Sunday, I left somewhat early to ride westward, towards the sea. Business and family usually take me eastward, and both have been all to complicated lately, so my quiet triangle ride--Wilshire to Santa Monica to San Vicente (with a coffee stop in Brentwood), then an amble along the beach bike path to the Bridge at Playa del Rey, thence home. Thirty-five miles more or less, sometimes fast if I feel like it, mostly flat, mostly pretty. Good stress relief.On Sunday mornings Wilshire--usually one of the more heavily trafficked roads in the US--is fairly empty, and as I rode into Beverly Hills I saw another cyclist far ahead of me.
Usually bike traffic along Wilshire early on a weekend morning comprises mostly flash roadies in full kit, but when I caught up to this fellow I was gratified to see an elegant-looking man about sixty, wearing dress slacks and shirt and a tie, on an older road-sport bike equipped with numerous headlamps and a rack. A voluntary utility cyclist, one of my own clan! Riding along slowly enough not to work up a sweat, so possibly heading in to the office for a bit of Sunday catching-up.
Now if we could only get a few hundred thousand more of him out on the roads, we'd be somewhere...and I suspect we will, eventually.
But for now I'll celebrate this singular fellow as a harbinger of the better times to come.