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07/15/2010: "4th Street Ride, Walk, & Press Event"
Things may be looking up for 4th Street; LACBC's project to optimize it for bicycle transit by making it a bicycle bouelvard is starting to build momentum!On Saturday, July 24th , LACBC is hosting a ride, walk, and press event to familiarize neighbors, cyclists, business owners, city officials, and the press with 4th Street, the bicycle boulevard concept in general, and the specific benefits to local stakeholdersof making 4th LA's first bicycle boulevard.
So grab your bicycle and join us on Saturday, July 24th , at 9:45AM in Pan Pacific Park, in front of the auditorium. LACBC will be there to provide information and support, and we will hear from residents, business folk, the police, and city officials--including City Council member Tom LaBonge.
Don't have a bike? There is also a guided walk meeting at 4th and Normandie at 10:15AM.
Both walk and ride will end at Shatto Park at 4th and Vermont for the press event and refreshments at 11:00AM.
Learn why a bicycle boulevard is a simple and inexpensive way to make 4th Street cleaner, greener, quieter, and safe for residents, local drivers, joggers, dog walkers, kids and old folks, and LA's commuting cyclists, and how it can reduce the need for ever-more-expensive road widenings in your neighborhood.
And by the way, Bicycle Fixation editor Rick Risemberg will be leading the ride, with Larchmont Village's JJ Hoffman riding sweep to help keep everybody safe.