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03/04/2010: "Birthday Bike Bash Begets Bloated Bellies"
The birthday ride I scheduled for last Sunday went beautifully, though not many folks came--not a surprise, considering that I gave only a couple of days' notice. But my dear Gina came along, and my friends Patrick and Charles, and John and Brian would have come but were out of town, and my son would have come but couldn't get out of bed in time.

Nevertheless, miles were pedaled, coffee drunk, croissants eaten, beaches and bright skies admired, and on the home stretch we ended up at Samosa House East at Washington and Overland, an otherwise charmless corner of LA where Vibha's crew whips up the south Indian grub that yer vegetarian editor (and his meat-eating accomplices) dote on all too fondly.

There we are, photographed by Gina courtesy of the little camera's timer (from left to right, that's Patrick, Gina, me, and Charles):

4forsamosas (127k image)

Thirty-five miles, countless calories, and a beautiful day on the roads of Los Angeles. And a slow last leg home with very full bellies....

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