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10/25/2009: "What, They Noticed...?"
Yes, some of the mainstream media, large and small, wrote up the 350.org events that took place yesterday to draw attention to Global Warming. (Consensus is that 350ppm of CO2 is all the world can take before hitting the "tipping point.") A small sampling:Los Angeles Times
New York Times
The Examiner
Phillippine Daily Inquirer
The Journal Times of Racine, Wisconsin
Now, it's fine to know, but what to do about it?
Well, many of you are already doing one big thing: riding your bikes! In the US, transportation accounts for at least 20% of Global Warming Gases emissions--and that probably doesn't count the emissions caused while building 4,000-pound cars to carry 170-pound people around in, nor all the asphalt and concrete required to drive and park them. (One ton of concrete causes one ton of CO2 emission by the time it's in place.)
But a 25-pound bike can take you there, month in and month out, even in winter. And requires less energy to move you than even walking does!
So keep riding, friends, keep riding!