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02/20/2009: "What, Pictures of Bicycles Online?"
Hard to believe, isn't it?Anyway, Yer Editor finally bit the $25 bullet and upgraded his Flickr account, changed it to "Bicycle Fixation," and got most of the morass of bike photos organized at last. So if you want to get a look at the bikes Gina and I and some of our friends ride, and where we ride them, and follow the process of turning vintage frames into elegant city bikes, go to the mighty Bicycle Fixation Flickr Account and take a look.
- The "Milk Runner," Gina's mixte project
- "Mia Bambina," my beloved 1966 Bottecchia fixie
- "Trevor Wong," the elegant weldie from Taiwan
- The "Green Gopher," my erstwhile Trek 610
- "Josef's Bakfiets," one of the first in Los Angeles
- "Ron L's Meral," and absolutely beautiful lucky find