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01/29/2009: "On-Street Bike Parking in Seattle"
pedal-powered Seattleites will no longer be orbiting the block looking for a sturdy post, according to this press release from Seattle DOT:
SEATTLE - Working to support the city's growing number of bicyclists, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will create on-street bicycle parking in neighborhoods around Seattle. With a goal of having one to two per neighborhood, the department will install these unique bike facilities at three locations starting next week.

Taking the place of one to two motor vehicle parking spaces, on-street bike parking will be filled with bicycle racks and surrounded by a raised curb. Bicyclists can enter the parking area from the sidewalk and each car-sized space will accommodate up to eight bikes.

This new program addresses the expanding need for bicycle parking and is part of the ongoing implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan, which seeks to triple the number of people bicycling in Seattle over ten years.

By mid February the new bike facilities will be installed:
  • Mid block of Broadway E between E Harrison Street and E Republican Street (by Broadway Market)
  • At the corner of 12th Avenue and E Spring Street (by Stumptown Coffee Roasters and Café Presse)
  • At the corner of Woodlawn Avenue NE and NE 70th Street (by the Greenlake Condominium)
SDOT is planning additional on-street bicycle parking locations for 2009.
Construction details are skimpy, but one hopes that, given Seattle's weather, some kind of cover might be included; doesn't look like it, though. Still a great move in the right direction!

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