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01/05/2009: "Random Bits for Monday"
Just came back from the local library, where I was heartened to see six bicycles parked, two in the official rack by the sidewalk, and four more owned by more suspicious types locked to the grillwork of the portico. All adult sizes.--
Saw on Xtracycle's Twitter site that the Wall Street Journal published an article encouraging you to "escape your car." Couched purely in terms of saving money--not a word about pollution, sprawl, social alienation, or other ills cars engender or facilitate--but we all know Streeters don't believe anything but money exists anyhow. Maybe if you get them thinking at all, their minds will eventually broaden. (It's obvious now that they have been operating by rote, like any other religious fanatics.)
We'll know more tomorrow, but I expect that the new run of Classic Wool Knickers should be done within two weeks. As is our tradition, we'll be including a limited edition of a one-off variant. (This will be another "Luxury" version, but bargain hunters can still nab a pair of LSD Knickers for $95.00--as long as you can fit a 34 or 36.)
And just for fun, here's an old photo Chuck Schmidt sent me of a couple of hipsters from a hundred years ago--fixies, knickers, and all:
