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03/13/2007: "Bicycle Fixation Knickers Spotted in Wild!"

Patrick and Holly live car-free, getting quite a bit of help from Jim Gregory's bicycle trailers, which Patrick and Jim have both written up for Bicycle Fixation; click on their names for the articles. Patrick's has lots of pictures of these superb utility trailers in action.
Patrick has started a Flickr group called "Velocouture," so any of you who have dressy bicycling outfits, whether they include our knickers or not (but how could they not?) might want to link up your contributions.
You can see Patrick posing in classic wool here, or if you want to browse all of Holly and Patrick's wonderful photos of sharp clothing, sweet bikes, pottery, chickens, punk clubs, and more, just click here.
They also have a graphic design business in Portland, Oregon, McGuire Barber Design. And they raise chickens.