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01/01/2007: "Westsiders, Rejoice!"
I was heading back from the beach this morning (yes, I live in Los Angeles), and I noticed that the rebuilt stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard between Sepulveda and Century City, now has emphatically painted bike lanes.Now, if you've been reading much of this 'zine, you know I don't generally favor bike lanes, paths, whatever, but this road, which was once a normal road, has been reconfigured into what is essentially a surface freeway with occasional traffic lights: four lanes in each direction, and heavily trafficked most days by some of the worst arrogant asshole automobilists LA has to offer. It's also an excellent bike route from the Westside to Cuntury City and Beverly Hills (and, just past BH, my 'hood).
Should make it easier and less frightening for the newbie bike commuters that are popping up all over town.
All for it, in this case!